

We Advocate For You

Planning for Seniors and members of their professional network, have assisted hundreds of individuals with securing Medi-Cal benefits, regardless of their assets, at a 100% success rate. The service is fee based, after a complimentary telephone consultation with our trained staff.

We offer a strategic plan that can legally and ethically assist in helping to fund the extended care and/or nursing home stay for your aging loved one. Your initial free telephone consultation is handled by our Medi-Cal Client Services Administrator. This specifically trained team member will answer your questions, offer insights, and help identify if you are a candidate who would benefit from our services.

What We Provide Our Clients

  • Peace of mind knowing you are informed about the funding options available to you.
  • Your next steps for getting your loved one\’s financial house in order.
  • Answers to questions about extended care costs and available public benefits.
  • Strategies for preserving the assets your loved one worked so hard to achieve.
  • Insights on professionals who can help address sensitive topics related to the care of your loved one.
  • Understanding and support that makes you feel you are not alone.
  • Guidance from a team of trusted advocates for your aging loved one.
  • Solutions for securing Medi-cal benefits for your loved one.
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