medi-cal benefits

Receiving a Settlement And Retaining Medi-Cal Benefits

\"medi-calWhen someone is critically injured, it is devastating, not only for the victim but also to their family, friends, and colleagues. It is particularly devastating when someone young, with a family and a thriving business is tragically injured. Medi-Cal is available to persons in this circumstance as well. A debilitating injury gives you the right to apply for this public benefit, even if you have not reached the age of 65.

Client Case Study: A 54 year old male with a wife, young children, and thriving business, was injured in an automobile accident. As a result of the accident, he became quadriplegic and breathing through a ventilator. He was hospitalized for more than 2 years, when his family reached out to us through an attorney referral.

A settlement was forthcoming, but in the meantime, monies were needed to pay for his care. Planning for Seniors started the Medi-Cal process for him, taking some of the burden from his family; the benefits began to financially cover the cost of his stay in an acute care facility.

When a settlement was finally reached and the monies distributed, Planning for Seniors orchestrated the full disclose to State law and regulation and submitted it to the County. Upon review, his Medi-Cal benefit was retained for him, along with the remaining settlement monies available for his family through the use of a very specialized trust with specific Medi-Cal compliant language.

If you find yourself in this position, please contact our office at 530-671-3308.